The Latest Must-Read Book for Direct Selling Executives
Momentum Factor is proud to announce our latest book from Founder & CEO Jonathan Gilliam: Blastoff! Creating Growth in the Modern Direct Selling Company: Lessons in Momentum from CEOs & Industry Leaders. This book brings together a collection of lessons from leading CEOs, experts and insiders throughout the direct selling industry. In Gilliam’s own words …
“This has been a labor of love and represents the contributions of dozens of people, including Kody Bateman, BK Boreyko, Rob Snyder, Richard Brooke, Kerry Breitbart, Ivy Hall and so many more. A huge THANK YOU to all those who contributed — this project far exceeded my initial expectations!”
From the Back Cover:
In today’s direct sales, what got you here won’t get you there.
The direct selling industry has inspired millions of people for a hundred years. It has succeeded and prospered through the most challenging of eras.
Yet the cultural, demographic and technological shifts underway today raise existential questions: What does it mean to be a direct seller in the age of social networking and instant gratification? How can a company achieve momentum and rocket its growth in this new world?
Packed with ideas and lessons from industry CEOs and insiders, Blastoff! will challenge your understanding of momentum. Whether your company is launching, already in flight, or in search of new worlds to conquer, you’ll learn from some of the most knowledgeable people this industry has to offer.
Featured in Blastoff!: Robert Snyder, Trey Campbell, Kerry Breitbart, Ivy Hall, Kerry Brown, B.K. Boreyko, Kody Bateman, Anna Zornosa, Angela Yost, Richard Cole, Ryan Wuerch, Richard Brooke, Kimberly Cornwell, Christy Prunier Andy Smith, Jamie Stewart, Terrell Transtrum, Peter Cartwright, Rob Hawthorne, Dan Jensen, Spencer Reese, Jan Gilmore, and many more!
To learn more about Gilliam’s books and to reserve your copy of Blastoff! or Social Selling, click here. And, if you are a direct selling executive, contact our team today to receive a complimentary copy.