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Wikipedia Logo

Is Wikipedia Putting Your Reputation in Your Competitors’ Hands?

Jonathan Gilliam
November 14, 2013
Go ahead, type in the name of any notable person, place or thing in the search engines. In nearly every case you will find a Wikipedia article in the top results. Wikipedia is the search result king. Nothing comes close in scope or consistency when it comes to scoring top spots in the search engines. What does this mean for your company? A lot more than you may think.
Social Media Platform Logos

Want to Know Your Social Media’s True Value?

Jonathan Gilliam
September 18, 2013
Ask a direct selling executive what frustrates him or her about social media, they’re likely to tell you that social media doesn’t seem to generate a “Return on Investment.” For centuries, the business world has relied on this key metric. If you put money in, you should get more money out, right? It’s standard business practice. But traditional metrics don’t always work well in the world of social media. If you are measuring the ROI of social, you’re measuring the wrong thing.
Facebook Groups

Caution When Using Facebook Groups to Connect Your Field

Jonathan Gilliam
August 19, 2013
Facebook Groups can be a good way to connect and build relationships between people already in the Group. Groups by nature are chattier, posts are more viewable than on a Page and are read more often because members are notified of updates. But there are very good reasons not to sponsor or encourage Groups.
Facebook - Fortune Magazine Article

Article – Are Teens Fleeing Facebook or Not?

Jonathan Gilliam
August 4, 2013
Check out this great article from Fortune Magazine about whether or not teens are abandoning Facebook. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg says no — and the data suggests they are still well-engaged.
DSA Direct Selling Growth Report

Smaller Direct Selling Companies Showing Robust Growth

Jonathan Gilliam
July 19, 2013
Seventy-six percent of smaller direct selling companies saw growth in 2012, with an average retail sales increase of about 22 percent, according to findings from the recent DSA 2012 Growth & Outlook survey.
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