Wave - Momentum Factor Colors - Light Blue, Light Orange, White - Footer
Speaker in front of a large Conference Crowd


Content on Various Media Platforms

Crank Out That Content

Jonathan Gilliam
June 12, 2012
Today, how often you publish content is more important than the consistency of your message. It used to be that consistency and branding were the name of the game. Drive home a consistent, simple message, the old wisdom went, and people would gravitate to your offering. But times have changed.
Momentum Factor Vegas-Themed Booth at 2012 DSA Annual Meeting

Stop by Our Booth & Presentation at the 2012 DSA Annual Meeting!

Jonathan Gilliam
May 30, 2012
As much as we love mingling with the crowd at DSA meetings, this year we decided to go all in with our exhibitor booth. You'll find us waaayyy in the back and to the right, strategically placed near the coffee service! And be sure to check out Momentum Factor CEO Jonathan Gilliam's presentation during the event as well.
Jonathan Gilliam Book: Social Selling - How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity & Change the World

Recognition by Social Media: Our Holy Grail?

Jonathan Gilliam
May 27, 2012
Learn what Momentum Factor Founder & CEO has to say on this social media topic in an excerpt from his new book Social Selling: How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity ... And Change the World.
Jonathan Gilliam Book: Social Selling - How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity & Change the World

Social Selling Book Released

Jonathan Gilliam
May 22, 2012
After nine months of late nights, junky food, a broken coffeemaker (seriously), edits and re-edits, and a family missed, Momentum Factor Founder & CEO Jonathan Gilliam's book: Social Selling - How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity and Change the World, is finally published and ready for sale.
Stock Market Analytics on Computer Screen

Direct Selling Under Attack

Jonathan Gilliam
May 12, 2012
The recent news about short sellers taking on Herbalife had the direct selling industry wondering what's next. Well, now we know. They're going after everyone.
Google - Business Insider Article

Article – Google Algorithm Change Causes SEO/ORM Panic

Jonathan Gilliam
May 1, 2012
Last week, Google tweaked its algorithm and up ended the online reputation world. This article from Business Insider outlines the changes and what can be done to protect your reputation in terms of search rankings.
Pinterest App Icon on Device Screen

Creating a Pinterest Strategy That Gets Direct Selling Results

Jonathan Gilliam
April 27, 2012
Pinterest is an online pinboard where users can organize things they love and share them. Launched in 2010, Pinterest already boasts more than 10 million monthly visitors, despite being invite-only, and is the fastest-growing social networking site today. And direct sellers need an effective strategy to leverage it.
Wave - Momentum Factor Colors - Light Blue, Light Orange, Dark Blue - Footer Momentum Factor