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Case Study: FieldWatch – Malnourished



Rapid Growth

In the months following its launch, a fast-growing nutritional enterprise quickly became the talk of its industry – and rocketed to the top of its field. Competitors feared them, but reps loved them, particularly because management did not seem to care to enforce their policies.

Reps Making The Rules

Soon, the reps seized the brand and marketed it as their own, buying web domains, squatting on social media handles – and worse, making uncontested and unenforced health claims on their Facebook pages that sent the company’s legal counsel scurrying.

FDA Crackdown

Soon, the company received an inquiry from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and with very little documentation to provide, they were censured and fined by the governing body. Word spread, reps defected en masse – and the brand quickly became a shadow of its former self.



Taking Compliance Seriously

Momentum Factor swept in to help the company turn their compliance challenges around. Needing help in managing the millions of data that seemed evasive to its in-house team of specialists, Momentum Factor knew it could create a multi-pronged approach that would throw a lasso around the company’s online reputation. This strategy would demonstrate to the FDA, its reps, and its customers that it was serious about state and federal compliance, and the success of the brand as a whole.



Momentum Factor’s flagship brand safety and compliance monitoring platform, FieldWatch™, brought both insight and fresh ideas into the company’s compliance processes – and changed them for the better. FieldWatch gave the company the security and reassurance that its reps and customers needed, knowing that compliance was being monitored, and risk was being managed and minimized, in a new and effective way. They were also able to demonstrate compliance better to FDA – all thanks to the ease of use and effectiveness of FieldWatch.

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