FieldWatch Certification from Momentum Factor

Introducing FieldWatch Certification!

Mike Forcucci
July 26, 2022
How would you like to have your entire compliance team certified in the World's #1 Brand Protection & Compliance Monitoring Solution? The FieldWatch Certification Program from Momentum Factor offers exactly that!
FTC - Forbes Article

Article – FTC Looking to Tighten Guidelines on Advertising

Jonathan Gilliam
May 24, 2022
Looking to update its existing set of endorsement guidelines for businesses, the FTC is proposing to increase its enforcement of fake reviews and other forms of misleading advertising according to this recent article from Forbes.
Letter from the CEO - Jonathan Gilliam

Letter from the CEO – Compliance Never Rests

Jonathan Gilliam
March 27, 2020
In the past weeks we’ve all been flooded with emails and scary news, much of it causing angst and confusion. Yes, this is pretty awful. But we will get through it. We will be temporarily banged up, but we will definitely get through it, together.
Wave - Momentum Factor Colors - Light Blue, Light Orange, Dark Blue - Footer Momentum Factor