Guest Post from Larry Steinberg - The Vemma Settlement

Guest Post – Vemma Lives to Play Another Day

Jonathan Gilliam
December 20, 2016
The sixteen-month long lawsuit between the Federal Trade Commission and Vemma Nutrition Company has come to a negotiated resolution under terms which will allow Vemma to continue operating its business under restrictions similar to those contained in a federal court preliminary injunction entered against the company last September
Guest Post from Hakki Ozmorali - Creating Balanced Focus in Direct Selling

Guest Post – Creating a Balanced Focus in Direct Selling Organizations

Jonathan Gilliam
February 4, 2015
If the field organization of a direct selling organization is well-trained and well-motivated, this is a true strength on the company’s side. From time to time, though, I ask myself if companies focus too much on the field at the cost of sacrificing the home office.
Guest Post from David Taylor - MLM vs. Party Plans

Guest Post – How Are Party Plans and MLM Different?

Jonathan Gilliam
July 13, 2012
In our practice we often notice confusion among new entrants to the industry about how party plans and mlm-style companies differ, especially with regard to compensation. Often it is a company just starting out and seeking to become one of these, but not really knowing how to differentiate from the other.
Guest Post from Vince Poscente - Building Field Momentum

Guest Post – When Building Field Momentum, Don’t Always Follow Your Instincts

Jonathan Gilliam
February 19, 2012
It may sound counterintuitive, but one of the BEST first steps you can take to build leadership in the field is stop following your instincts. You see, executives in the direct selling industry have multiple responsibilities on their ‘to do’ list. Yet the bottom line is consistently building field momentum. One slip up in the complex realm of legal matters, product development or cash flow and positive momentum can turn in a flash.
Guest Post from Mary Meeker - Direct Sellers Must Go Mobile

Guest Post – 7 Top Reasons Direct Selling Companies MUST Go Mobile

Jonathan Gilliam
January 20, 2012
No doubt you are hearing from your field about mobile. The fact is nearly half of your distributors — and everyone they meet — are on a smartphone. App usage now actually exceeds web usage for the first time ever. With that in mind, here are the Top 7 Reasons you must go mobile now.
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