Jonathan Gilliam Book: Blastoff! - Creating Growth in the Modern Direct Selling Company

It’s Time for Social Media to Take its Seat in the Boardroom

Jonathan Gilliam
March 31, 2015
The following is an excerpt discussing the importance of social media from Momentum Factor Founder & CEO Jonathan Gilliam's book for direct selling executives, Blastoff! Creating Growth in the Modern Direct Selling Company. 
Jonathan Gilliam Book: Blastoff! - Creating Growth in the Modern Direct Selling Company

Time to Take a Closer Look at Your Company’s Bonuses?

Jonathan Gilliam
June 13, 2014
The following is an excerpt regarding bonus programs at direct selling companies from Momentum Factor Founder & CEO Jonathan Gilliam's new book for direct selling executives, Blastoff! Creating Growth in the Modern Direct Selling Company.
Jonathan Gilliam Book: Social Selling - How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity & Change the World

Recognition by Social Media: Our Holy Grail?

Jonathan Gilliam
May 27, 2012
Learn what Momentum Factor Founder & CEO has to say on this social media topic in an excerpt from his new book Social Selling: How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity ... And Change the World.
Jonathan Gilliam Book: Social Selling - How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity & Change the World

Social Selling Book Released

Jonathan Gilliam
May 22, 2012
After nine months of late nights, junky food, a broken coffeemaker (seriously), edits and re-edits, and a family missed, Momentum Factor Founder & CEO Jonathan Gilliam's book: Social Selling - How Direct Selling Companies Can Harness the Power of Connectivity and Change the World, is finally published and ready for sale.
Wave - Momentum Factor Colors - Light Blue, Light Orange, Dark Blue - Footer Momentum Factor