FieldWatch Newsletter: Q1 2023 Issue Highlights
Attention all FieldWatchers! Check your inboxes as our first FieldWatch Newsletter of 2023 has been released! Chock full of the latest news and insights for FieldWatch clients everywhere, this digital newsletter is never one to miss. The Q1 issue includes:
- Become FieldWatch Certified at the 2023 DSLC Summit in Salt Lake City
- FTC Continues Enforcement Trend
- Are You Booked for the 2023 DSLC Summit (Feb. 22-24)?
- FieldWatch Referral Program
- FieldWatch Remediation Services & more!
If you are a current FieldWatch client and didn’t receive your copy or need to be added to the list in order to receive the next quarterly issue, please click here to sign up today.
Expand Your Insights: Register for Momentum Factor Updates
When you register, besides signing up for the FieldWatch Insider, you will also be able to add your name to the list for any Momentum Factor announcements as well as the quarterly Momentum Factor Newsletter (The Social Selling Update).