Facebook - Fortune Magazine Article

Article – Are Teens Fleeing Facebook or Not?

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Check out this great article from Fortune Magazine about whether or not teens are abandoning Facebook. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg says no — and the data suggests they are still well-engaged. According to the article …

“More people are using Facebook. And they’re using Facebook more. The social networking site’s number of monthly users has jumped 21% year over year to 1.5 billion in June; 61% of those people logged on every single day. Not surprising then that, as Facebook’s robust ads business gains momentum, the firm’s stock price has finally shot above its $38 initial public offering debut.

But what’s going on, then, with teens? For the better part of 2013, reports have been rippling through the media that fickle youngsters are deserting the service. These reports trickle up through anecdotes as analysts, editors, and engineers study their children’s Facebook (SCOR) behavior.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg denies it. “Based on our data, that just isn’t true,” he said during last week’s earnings call. He explained the service has fully penetrated the U.S. teen market, and that the number of teens logging on to Facebook both daily and monthly has been steady over the past year and a half. Though he didn’t address whether the amount of time they spend on the service has leveled off or decreased, he said teens “remain really highly engaged.”

What does this all mean for future direct sellers? You be the judge.

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