FTC - Federal Trade Commission and Influencer Marketing

Article – FTC Commissioner Criticizes FTC Agenda

Commissioner Christine Wilson of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently criticized the FTC Chair’s current agenda during an ABA Fall Forum speech. She spoke her mind regarding the commission’s current course of action and predicted it would fall short of its goals while identifying four critical mistakes. Check out this excerpt from an article by Kelley Drye:

“Last week. FTC Commissioner Christine Wilson delivered a speech with a title that made clear she intended to speak her mind: The Neo-Brandeisian Revolution: Unforced Errors and the Dimunition of the FTC. Predicting that the new FTC Leadership will fall far short of achieving its objectives — most of which she opposes — Commissioner Wilson promised that “their failure won’t keep me up at night.” She then went on to identify four key mistakes, but not before lamenting the halcyon days of a Commission characterized by comity between the architects of modern competition and consumer protection policy. The FTC’s Mount Rushmore of cooperation and non-partisanship: Steiger, Pitofsky, Muris, Leibowitz, Ramirez.”

To learn more about this development and what Wilson outlined, click here to read the full article from Kelley Drye.

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