Jonathan Gilliam named a finalist for Austin Business Journal's 2024 Best CEO Awards

Jonathan Gilliam Among Finalists for the ABJ 2024 Best CEO Awards

For a second consecutive year and a third time overall, we are proud to announce that Momentum Factor Founder & CEO Jonathan Gilliam has been named a finalist for the Austin Business Journal’s (ABJ) 2024 Best CEO Awards.

He was previously nominated for the same award in 2016 and 2023.

Awards will be given in a total of nine categories (Micro Company / Small Company / Medium Company / Large Company / Extra Large Company / Public Company / Nonprofit / Startup / Market Leader). In order to be eligible for this distinction, the nominees must:

  • Own their company, is the company’s top executive officer, or serves as the top local executive.
  • Live and work in Travis, Williamson, Hays, Burnet, Caldwell or Bastrop counties.
  • Have a strong record of innovation and outstanding performance. Extra consideration will be given to those who have had a significant career accomplishment within the past 12 months.
  • Have a sphere of influence that extends beyond the scope of the nominee’s career, such as a contribution to their industry and/or a leadership role in the philanthropic, civic or political arenas.

The final award judging is done by a committee of past winners, based on the nominees’ track record of innovation and outstanding performance in business as well as philanthropy and other community services.

All finalists will be recognized, and the winners will be revealed at a private awards reception at the Hotel Van Zandt in Austin, Texas, on Wednesday, October 16.

To read ABJ’s full announcement of the finalists, click here.

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