FieldWatch Core

Momentum Factor Offers Basic Compliance Monitoring Service to All Direct Sales Companies at No Charge

Firm adds compliance technology enhancement in its mission to help protect the entire direct selling industry.


Momentum Factor, the leading global provider of compliance monitoring and reputation management services to the direct selling industry, has announced an ambitious new program designed to further protect members of its industry from regulatory and brand risks. The new program, FWCore, is an enhancement to its flagship offering FieldWatch™. FWCore will enable any direct sales company to automatically monitor its corporate marketing output for violations of federal and state rules and regulations, particularly FTC and FDA requirements.

In an effort to support the entire channel, Momentum Factor is offering the program at no charge for the first year to any qualified direct selling company. Current FieldWatch users will have the component permanently added to their existing suite of services at no charge.

“FWCore is a great place to start compliance monitoring,” said Jonathan Gilliam, CEO of Momentum Factor. “Strong compliance always starts at home, on a company’s corporate website and social channels, which must be squeaky clean. Regulators increasingly view online corporate properties as the most conspicuous source of compliance violations.”

“Once a company is sure their corporate communications are in compliance, it’s time to branch out to cover the entire internet with more robust monitoring services. This is what FieldWatch does for our clients,” continued Gilliam.

For a company to take advantage of the offer, they should be a pending or existing member of any worldwide direct sales association (Direct Selling Association, World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, etc.) or an otherwise qualified direct selling company, as determined by Momentum Factor staff.

For more information on Momentum Factor and our service offerings, please contact our team by clicking here.

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